How To Hide Your Following List On Instagram? 4 Helpful Tips

Are you looking for a way to keep your Instagram following list private? Are you concerned about stalkers and unwelcome guests snooping on who you interact with online? Follow our 4 helpful tips to learn how to hide your following list on Instagram from prying eyes. With these simple steps, you can easily maintain control over who can access your profile information while still enjoying the full benefits of using Instagram. Keep reading to find out how!

How to hide your following list on Instagram

Unlike Facebook, Instagram hasn’t dedicated a particular field to your lists’ privacy. However, there are still ways to hide Instagram following. With followers apps like TopFollow, you can easily boost your followers. But, your social connections are one thing you always want to keep personal, regardless of who is watching. It is easier to learn how to hide your following list on Instagram.

Can you hide following on Instagram?

People often ask how to hide who you follow on Instagram. Alas! for IG users, this isn’t something you can do. When people click on your Instagram profile, they can see the number of people you follow and how many people follow you (To boost your profile to the next level with organic traffic, you can download Top Follow application). However, there are other things you can pinch to learn how to hide your following list on Instagram.

Benefits of Hiding Your Following List

Here are some potential benefits of hiding your following list on Instagram:

  1. Increased Privacy: By hiding your following list, you can keep your Instagram activity more private. Other users won’t be able to see which accounts you’re following, which can be especially useful if you’re following accounts that you don’t want others to know about.
  2. Reduced Social Pressure: Hiding your following list can also help reduce social pressure to follow certain accounts. For example, if you’re following someone because you feel obligated to, you can do so without worrying about others seeing that you’re following them.
  3. Greater Control Over Your Image: By hiding your following list, you can have greater control over how others perceive you on Instagram. You can curate your public image by only showing the accounts that you want others to see.
  4. Avoiding Unwanted Attention: Hiding your following list can also help you avoid unwanted attention from others. For example, if you’re following someone who is causing drama or negativity on Instagram, you can hide your following list so that they won’t be able to see that you’re following them.
  5. Personal Reasons: There may be personal reasons why you want to hide your following list on Instagram, such as maintaining boundaries with certain individuals or keeping your interests private.

Overall, there are several potential benefits to hiding your following list on Instagram, and it’s a useful feature for users who value privacy and control over their social media activity.

Potential Drawbacks of hiding your following list on Instagram

Here are some potential drawbacks of hiding your following list on Instagram:

  1. Reduced Discoverability: Hiding your following list can make it more difficult for other users to find and follow your account. This is because Instagram’s algorithm often suggests accounts to follow based on who you’re following, so it may be harder for others to discover your account if you’re not following anyone publicly.
  2. Limited Social Interaction: By hiding your following list, you may limit your ability to connect and engage with others on Instagram. For example, if you’re not following any accounts publicly, others may be less likely to follow you back or engage with your content.
  3. Decreased Trust: Hiding your following list may also make some users perceive you as less trustworthy or authentic. Some users may assume that if you’re hiding your following list, you have something to hide or are not interested in engaging with others on the platform.
  4. Potential Backlash: If you’re hiding your following list to avoid certain accounts or topics, others may perceive this as harmful or discriminatory behavior. For example, if you’re hiding your following list to avoid following accounts related to a particular religion or political ideology, others may view this as intolerant or closed-minded.
  5. Technical Limitations: It’s worth noting that hiding your following list on Instagram may not be a foolproof method for maintaining privacy. There are several ways that other users can still discover which accounts you’re following, such as through mutual connections or by using third-party apps.

How To Hide Your Following List on Instagram?

Despite being a private account, people can see how many followers and followings you have when they click on your Instagram profile. The numbers on your Insta profile can’t be hidden, but you can control or limit their visibility.  How to hide your following list on Instagram? There are some simple ways to protect yourself against unwelcome visitors. However, there is no direct way to do so.

Here we’ll present a few tips on how to hide your following list on Instagram.

Tip#1: Make Your Account Private 

If you run a business profile on Instagram or make your account public, it’s nearly impossible to hide your activity and to follow. It’s not possible to use this method to hide the people you follow on Instagram if you’re an Instagram influencer or top follower

Otherwise, you can switch to a private account following these steps:

  1. First, log in to your Instagram account. Then, tap on the profile icon at the footing of your IG application.
Tap on Insta Profile
  1. Tap on the 3 parallel lines at the top right corner of your profile and open your Settings.
Go to Settings
  1. Now, go to the ‘Privacy‘ section.
Go to Privacy Option
  1. Finally, switch the Private account button on.
Turn on the Private button

(Note: If your account is business then firstly change your business profile into personal account)

Tip#2: Remove Followers To Hide Who You Follow On Instagram

So you have flipped to a private account. Setting your account to private won’t work, as you have already allowed your added followers into your profile. Your already added followers can still check your following list. In this case, you must remove that toxic friend that annoys you frequently.

To remove followers, you can go through the following steps one by one:

  1. First, tap your profile in the bottom right corner of your IG app.
Tap on Insta Profile
  1. Go to your followers list and search for the person you’d like to hide your profile from.
Tap on Followers Option
  1. Click on the ‘Remove’ button in front of their username.
Remove Unwanted Visitor

After switching to a private account, that person won’t be able to see your Instagram lists or posts. 

Tip#3: Block Users On Instagram To Hide Following

Many people wish to keep their IG profiles in public mode. For many reasons, however, you may desire to learn “how to hide your following list on Instagram” from unwanted visitors.  To hide who you follow from specific users with a public profile on Insta, you’ve no other way but to block those unwanted accounts. So if you wonder how to hide someone on Instagram, follow the following instructions and block them permanently:

  1. Go to the search tab on your phone application.
Tap on Search Icon
  1. Then, search for the user you want to hide from.
Search Target Username
  1. On the top right of your screen, tap on the 3 dots ‘…’ sign.
Tap on 3 dots icon
  1. From the appeared Window, select the ‘Block’ button.
Tap on Block Option

Tip#4: Restrict A User’s Account To Hide Following List On Instagram  

Another possible answer to “How can you hide who you follow on Instagram?” is restricting an individual’s account. Restricting a user’s account limits what they can view on your profile. For instance, a restricted user can’t be able to view your stories or know when you are online. 

Following are the steps on how to restrict a user’s account, which will let you hide someone you follow on Instagram: 

  1. Tap on your Instagram profile located at the bottom right corner of your screen.
Tap on Insta Profile
  1. Tap on Settings and then Privacy 
Tap on Settings and then Privacy option
  1. Next, go to Connections and hit ‘Restricted Accounts’ 
Tap on Restricted Accounts
  1. Choose the user you want to restrict and press “Restrict. “
Restrict Unwanted User


It should be recalled that if your profile is private, everyone who follows you can still view your following list. You’ll need to permanently remove, block, or restrict access to those unwanted followers to deny them.

You can hide a post on Insta by following the below-mentioned steps:

  • Encounter the photo you like to remove from your Insta profile.
  • Click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner of the image.
  • In the menu, select “Archive.”
  • Boom! Your photo has disappeared from your profile and can no longer be seen by others.

Moreover, you can schedule your best time to post on Instagram to get maximum likes and comments. Check article!

If you deactivate your account for a short period, your photos, comments, and likes will not show to your followers until you reactivate by logging in.


If you are bothered with your privacy like everyone else on Insta, set the seal on yourself to know how to hide your following list on Instagram! In this post, we conferred on how to hide following on Instagram. You can switch to a private mode and remove, block, or restrict a user’s account. All these points have been written step by step in this article. 

Please look over the article to see how to hide following Instagram users. If you have any issues with the means, as mentioned earlier. Just drop us a note. We are more than glad to handle your questions and aid you with your concerns!

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